Website Copy Overhaul

Don't want to write your new website copy?
Hand it off to a website copywriter

Kelley Gardiner headshot, striped sweater, smiling

"This is great! Why haven't I done it before!??"

That’s what your leads will say when they’re looking over your site…

And what you’ll say when you see your new website copy.

With a Website Copy Overhaul, you get words that resonate with your best-fit customer.

Sparkling fresh website copy that actually sells

In 6 weeks flat

You need new website copy NOW because…

  • Giving someone your website address feels like showing a stranger your dirty kitchen.
  • A website copy rewrite has been on your “Oh yeah, I HAVE to do that” list for more than six months.
  • You’re scared to touch your copy. And it’s growing cobwebs.
  • Your clientele and services have evolved, but your website is talking to a customer from three years ago.
  • You know that if nothing changes on your site, nothing changes in your business. And that’s slightly terrifying.

Ready-to-post website copy that works

You’ll get:

  • Updated and edited website copy optimized for conversions
  • Your brand voice and tone
  • Clickable calls to action
  • Headlines and subheadings that create clarity, then curiosity
  • A cheerleader for your business

But specifically:

  • New copy for a five-page site. In a Google Document. Ready to rock.

Works if you have:

  • An existing website for a service business
  • A simple 5-page business site structure and layout

Six weeks. Seriously.

Unless you need more time. That's cool, too.

Step 1: Book a free consult to make sure this is the right project for you

Step 2: Sign the contract and pay the 50% deposit. Schedule a 60-minute intake call.
Step 3: I’ll spend about three weeks optimizing your current website copy.
Step 4: I present your copy to you in a quick 30-minute call.
Step 5: You review the copy for any needed edits.
Step 6: If needed, we complete any small touch-ups.
Step 7: Copy flies away to the proofreader. (Somewhere in here your last 50% payment is due.)
Step 8: You own your new copy! Paste it all over your site and let me know how it goes 💪

"But do I have time to even deal with this?"

Your time investment:

  • Email Kelley to see if she’s available (optional)
  • Make a 30-minute consult call 
  • Pay the 50% deposit
  • Schedule and take the 60-minute intake call
  • Answer questions via email promptly (usually once a week)
  • 20-minute copy presentation call 
  • Review optimized copy 
  • Make brief comments if needed
  • Pay the remaining 50%
  • Place the copy on your business site

That 4-5 hours is an investment. But nothing like writing it yourself.


For most 5-page websites

Your UX and Conversion Copywriter

“Who the heck is this Kelley Gardiner, and what does she want with my website?”

Photo of Kelley with black top and blue skirt

Hiiiiiii! I’m Kelley! I’m a conversion copywriter, and I specialize in website copy for solo service providers.

I’m a solo service provider, too. We’ve got to stick together.

My training in conversion copywriting is via Copyhackers by Joanna Wiebe, and in UX copywriting thanks to Beyond Web Copy by Susan Reoch. 

My team is usually just me and a couple of proofreaders I keep on hand. But when you’re emailing me, you get me and you get my attention. 

My process:

Learn about your business: Your 60-minute intake call is all about your business and your goals. 

Learn about your customers: I deep dive into what your customers are saying, what they truly want, and what other solutions they might be considering.

Learn about your competitors: Sometimes it helps me learn more about your customers. Sometimes it helps me figure out a piece of messaging that’s missing. But I don’t steal from other people because 1) boooo and 2) you never know what’s actually working for other people.

Optimize your website copy: I use all that information and spin it together with buyer psychology to create ethical website copy that helps your customer see how great you are.

Not editing. Not “wordsmithing.”

Breaking down the messages and making it easier to buy from you.

Questions? Email

Sarah Giffrow
Sarah GiffrowUpswept Creative
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You asked good questions, listened well, and got a great handle on my company's voice. The new website copy you crafted for Upswept felt like the right fit, and we were honestly excited to put it to good use.