For solo service providers ready to make a bigger impact

What’s the biggest difference between a website that attracts perfect-fit clients while you’re in the school pickup line…

and a website that makes you cringe every time you paste the URL into a Zoom chat?

Kelley Gardiner headshot, striped sweater, smiling
  • Mindset? Not this time.
  • A branding package that costs twice as much as you made this quarter? Luckily, no.
  • New photographs that reflect a newer, more perfect version of yourself? I dream about that, too.
  • Stick-to-it-ive-ness? If some tries to tell you this, I’ll write them a pointed email. I mean it.

The words, of course.

There’s only one of you.

Your mindset, branding, and headshots can’t have sales conversations while you’re taking the kids out for ice cream after their soccer game.

So you’ll still be doing the grind yourself…

And getting the ick thinking about being “seen” in your current untidy state online 🙁

When an interesting lead says they’ll look at your website, your stomach drops.

You’ve invested an hour of your life in a networking meeting, hoping to meet someone like this.

But when you type your website into the chat, it feels like throwing an opportunity into the wind. You can almost see the money flying out the door.

Because that website doesn’t reflect you. And it’s not exactly printing money.

After working with clients, networking, doing aaallll the behind-the-scenes grunt work, putting yourself out there, getting vulnerable, and creating incredible results for your people—
don’t you deserve to feel aligned with your website copy?
Pomeranian dog in glasses behind laptop, as if it's typing

I promise if you believe these things, you're selling yourself short 👇

Who’s the first rich person you can think of? Do you think they work harder than you? Exactly. We can set up systems that work on your behalf.

There are lots of things websites can do. Build your list, book more sales calls… all those things make money. If you have a website, you have an opportunity to leverage it.

GIRL. I have hundreds of hours of training and experience, and every project is still new and fresh and challenging for me!

Writing is playing with ideas. Copywriting is using data to sell.

You didn’t learn this in college.

But the good news is…

Your business website can attract clients who’re ready to buy. Like, seriously.

When that happens, you’ll be able to:

  • Relieve yourself of weight of trying to figure out your own website copy overhaul, like the relief you feel throwing your bra across the room at the end of the day
  • Sit easy, knowing there won’t be any  surprises when you work with someone with window-esque transparency
  • Turn a zero-conversion website into a functioning part of your business landscape
  • Work on the other one million tasks that can move your business forward
  • Share that website that sounds and feels like the version of you who’s perfectly rested and caffeinated

Getting a website that works doesn’t mean waving a magic wand around, or struggling with a project that drags on for months, or handing your (deserved and hard-earned!)  cash to a freelancer who works under a cloak of secrecy.

You don’t even have to go through a long-ass process  to make it happen.

You can have website copy that’s tailor-made to help you hit your business goals. Sooner than you think.

So who am I to say all this?

Hi, I’m Kelley Gardiner.

And when I’m not annoying my kids by stopping to look at an interesting bird or tree, I’m helping small business owners create websites that function as killer sales tools.

I don’t want you to “get to six figures quick with these super secret and simple tricks.” I won’t tell you that website copy is the true and only way to make more money in your business.

I want you to feel like you have freedom in your life, and I know that your website can be a great support for that.

Hand off your website copy project to a conversion copywriter who uses a data-informed approach, including user experience, and psychology.

Your perfect-fit leads jump up and down with glee when they see your offer coming at them.

Photo of Kelley with black top and blue skirt
You did a great job of transforming my word vomit into something coherent! I also love how you described the journey of someone looking at my webpage and using that knowledge to talk about different aspects of what I do in different areas. I love how your writing feels easy and simple but also speaks very clearly to the audience.
Headshot of Beth
Beth McMorran
Solace PT and Myofascial Release

Say hello to the High Impact Website Copy VIP Week

Designed to give your business quick results in a short turnaround time.

Because your credit card can’t wait for things to pick up on their own.

It’s built for small business owners who have a website, but haven’t seen the results they need. Yet.

Solo service providers are busy doing everything in their businesses—and unless you feel like making a career transition, taking the time to learn EV-ER-Y-THING about writing website copy isn’t going to pay off anytime soon. 

You need someone to hold your hand, fix your stuff, and set you on the path toward a business that’s profitable long-term.

Femme figure in pink pants with a manicure holds a latte and a laptop in her lap

Want impact? 5 big results from 5 short days

You’ll get copy that stops your perfect client in their internet tracks and makes them say, “Wait a minute. This is for ME.” 

  1. Updated copy on 3 pages of your choice
  2. Light edits on 2-3 other pages as needed
  3. Head-turning headlines
  4. Polished and professional copy with your distinct vibe
  5. Words that speak directly to your ideal clients (Hi!)

This is the real work.

Website Priority ID

Your priorities drive this project, so let’s get those straight.

Just like anything in marketing, we can’t do everything 100% all at once. We’ll create impact by focusing on your first priority, and supporting the rest.

Customer Deep Dive

Let’s get super clear on your client. What they need, what they want, what they deeply desire, what they fear, and the words they actually use.

From there, we’ll be able to speak to them in a way that lets them know you’ll solve their problems.

Brand Voice + Messaging Megaphone

Let’s dial in the most important stuff before we get to the details.

After you sign off on the brand voice and messaging draft, that’s when the words on the page start to take on their form. 

The VIP Experience, Extended

Not to make this weird, but—you’re not getting rid of me after a week.

I’ll check back in with you at regular intervals and ask how your business feels/how your conversion metrics are looking. If we need to make changes, that’s part of the deal.

Kelley’s Cozy, Hand-Holding Guarantee

I want you to feel seen and secure when invest your money. Secure like picking up your first apple turnover of the season, and sitting on a warm blanket in the sun, enjoying the fall colors against the blue sky.

If you don’t feel 100% excited to share your new copy with your LinkedIn connections, your clients, your leads, your barista, and your grocery checker, I’ll gift you an extra day for edits.

You’ll be approving ideas and messaging along the way, so you’ll be resting assured I’ve got your back. So you can sit back and relax with your chosen emotional support beverages. 

But that's enough about pastry. (Wow, first time I've said THAT.)

Before we can get your VIP week rolling, we have to answer some questions.

“How do I know this will work?”

Honey, I don’t know if ANYTHING will work. This is a wild world out here. What I do know is that there’s an incredible opportunity to take your work and your passion, and to turn it into messaging that will resonate with your best-fit customer. If I take the job, I am certain about that. I also know that my training and knowledge of best practices will come in REAL handy for this.

“What if I don’t make the money back?”
How many sales would it take to make that money back? How many more sales calls will you need? Make a note, because this will figure into our first conversation. We’re building a business, not just whipping up words.

“What’s conversion copywriting?”
Using data in order to ignite a little friendly flame under your lead’s beautiful butt. We’re over here ethically getting people to take action. (The status quo? Our sworn enemy.) 

“What’s UX copywriting?”
Making things comfy for your reader. So they know what to do next. (Ideally, the thing you want them to do next.)

“Do I have time for this?”
Of course you don’t have time! You’re running a business and probably a good chunk of a household! Luckily, for a VIP week, you just need to have some availability in one given week. We’ll do longer calls on Monday and Friday. I’m the one doing the heavy lifting. Do you have time to put this off another year?

9 ways you’ll know you’re ready for impact

⭐You have capacity for more client work in the next 3-6 months

⭐You know your worth, the value of your service, and are excited to deliver it to more people

⭐You’re willing to be introspective and curious about your business messaging

⭐You have some marketing assets to share, such as testimonials, social media posts, email newsletters

⭐You want to feel more aligned with the words on your website

⭐You have systems set up for more calls, email signups, and inquiries

⭐You’re willing to follow up with Kelley for conversion questions (to make sure your new copy is working one week, one month, and six months from now)

⭐You’re ready  to set time aside during our week for meetings, document review, and maybe a little celebration

Sound good? Good.

How it feels to share your website when it's aligned and strategic

Lizzo shaking her head from the Good as Hell video

If you’re ready for a bigger limelight, more email subscribers, and more opportunities…

If you’re ready to have your website jumpstart conversations with leads instead of personally leading every 👏 single 👏 one…

If you want to go from feeling ick to feeling GOOD AS HELL when you share your site…

You need a Impact Website Copy VIP Week.

Only two VIP weeks are  available each quarter. Grab ’em while they’re hot.
